Conventional medicine talks a lot about prevention, which is expressed as a plethora of vaccines and screening tests. While vaccines may indeed prevent some acute diseases, they are a huge cause of health problems (it is no secret that vaccines are immunosuppressive and potentially deadly). Screening tests check for various health conditions, but don't actually prevent them, so I'm not sure how those qualify as "preventive medicine" at all.
How can we keep ourselves and our pets healthy? What is true preventive medicine? Beyond a natural lifestyle and correct diet, what else can we do?
All life is sustained by the earth, so it made sense to look there for answers. Organic herbs are supportive and helpful to our bodies as living foods. Eating organic herbs on a regular basis is an easy way to stay healthy and prevent disease.
How to choose appropriate herbs?
Of course certain herbs are useful for specific health conditions, but I was looking for a general kind of support that would offer living nutrition to our bodies. I happened upon the Chinese calendar of the seasons in Dr. Elson Haas' book Staying Healthy With the Seasons. In the Chinese calendar there are five seasons, and each relates to a pair of meridians that need the most support at that time of year.
Then I did a lot of research and put together a Winter Blend. The herbs are synergistic and suportive for dogs and horses. They are meant for animals who don't have specific health issues, and whose owners simply want to keep them healthy and give their organ systems a boost that matches their needs for that time of year.
There are plenty of supplements on the market for horses, but once I read the ingredients I would not feed them to my own horses. Not being able to find a line of supplements that I would recommend, I make my own. I buy organic herbs, mix them, and feed them to my horses.
The Winter Blend for Dogs and Horses is now available at Canine Crossing. It contains four herbs that have supportive qualities for the kidney and bladder meridians. The idea is to offer the immune system and the organ systems some support for the season, but the herbs do not need to be given throughout the entire season. The dose is small, since the goal is not therapeutic but supportive. With herbs it is usually a good idea to take them for a limited time and then let the body adjust to its new normal. Each herbal blend offers an opportunity for an increase in health.
How can we keep ourselves and our pets healthy? What is true preventive medicine? Beyond a natural lifestyle and correct diet, what else can we do?
All life is sustained by the earth, so it made sense to look there for answers. Organic herbs are supportive and helpful to our bodies as living foods. Eating organic herbs on a regular basis is an easy way to stay healthy and prevent disease.
How to choose appropriate herbs?
Of course certain herbs are useful for specific health conditions, but I was looking for a general kind of support that would offer living nutrition to our bodies. I happened upon the Chinese calendar of the seasons in Dr. Elson Haas' book Staying Healthy With the Seasons. In the Chinese calendar there are five seasons, and each relates to a pair of meridians that need the most support at that time of year.
Then I did a lot of research and put together a Winter Blend. The herbs are synergistic and suportive for dogs and horses. They are meant for animals who don't have specific health issues, and whose owners simply want to keep them healthy and give their organ systems a boost that matches their needs for that time of year.
There are plenty of supplements on the market for horses, but once I read the ingredients I would not feed them to my own horses. Not being able to find a line of supplements that I would recommend, I make my own. I buy organic herbs, mix them, and feed them to my horses.
The Winter Blend for Dogs and Horses is now available at Canine Crossing. It contains four herbs that have supportive qualities for the kidney and bladder meridians. The idea is to offer the immune system and the organ systems some support for the season, but the herbs do not need to be given throughout the entire season. The dose is small, since the goal is not therapeutic but supportive. With herbs it is usually a good idea to take them for a limited time and then let the body adjust to its new normal. Each herbal blend offers an opportunity for an increase in health.